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Inclement Weather

Our fields at Maple Glen do a great job of draining water.  We often have days where it rains all day long and the fields are still playable in the evening.  With this in mind, you should always plan on us playing our games at the day/time they are scheduled.

In the event that field conditions and inclement weather do not allow us to play games, our Executive Board will contact all CLL families via TeamSnap and Facebook.  

Once we are at the fields, only our Chief Umpires can cancel games due to weather.  We will sometimes delay games if necessary.  During a delay, all players and parents must wait in their cars for safety.  Please do not leave the fields if games are delayed, more often than not we can resume them when the weather clears.  If there is thunder or lightning, we will have a mandatory 20 minute delay from the last time we encounter the thunder/lightning.    We will adhere to the MHSAA Officials Guidebook (2023-2024) for inclement weather.  

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