What are the different divisions and the ages for each?
We follow the Little League International (LLI) age guidelines. Our ages and divisions are listed below.

- Tee Ball - Instructional development. This division focuses on fundamentals, fun and an introduction to baseball. No score is kept and games are four innings with two at bats.
- Coach Pitch - Instructional development, same as Tee Ball, however is a step up from Tee Ball with the Coach pitching to the players.
- Minors A - Coach Pitch for three innings and Kid Pitch for three innings. Kids will play a minimum of four innings in the regular season. The coach determines the batting order, everyone bats, and games are played six innings. Pitchers Mound and Bases are 40' / 60'.
- Minors AA - Coach Pitch for two innings and Kid Pitch for four innings. Kids will play a minimum of four innings in the regular season. The coach determines the batting order, everyone bats, and games are played six innings. Pitchers Mound and Bases are 40' / 60'.
- Minors AAA - Kid pitch all six innings. Kids will play a minimum of four innings in the regular season. The coach determines the batting order, everyone bats, and games are played six innings. Stealing and walks are allowed. Pitchers Mound and Bases are 46' / 60'.
- Majors - Close to major league rules...no lead offs or pick offs. Pitchers Mound and Bases are 46' / 60'.
- Intermediate - Full major league rules, pitching from 50' and bases are 70'.
- Junior - Full major league rules pitching from 54'/60' and bases are 80'/90'.
When should I expect the season to start and end?
The regular season typically starts in mid April and lasts till the beginning of June. This is followed by a playoff tournament that lasts until mid-late June.
The exception may be our Seniors Division which may not start until after the High School Season ends, to comply with MHSAA rules and regulations. Depending on the interest and registration, Seniors will run from June – July.
When should I expect practices to start?
Depending on our Michigan weather, practices may start in late March to early April. Usually the older kids start earlier than the younger divisions but this is left up to the individual managers to decide.
What is the practice schedule?
Managers will determine the practice schedule that best works for them. Managers will announce their practice schedule once teams are formed.
How many practices and/or games per week will there typically be?
CLL guidelines suggest that each manager practice two times per week in the pre-season, and one time per week during the regular season. The younger divisions may practice only 2 times per week prior to the season starting where the older divisions may practice 2-3 times per week.
How often do we have games?
T-Ball and Coach Pitch will have 2 games/practices per week. Minors, Majors and Intermediates may play 2 or 3 games per week, plus a minimum of one practice per week. More practices may be called at the discretion of the team's manager.
What days are the games played on?
The Master schedule for all divisions is usually created mid-way through the registration period and once we have enough registered players to determine how many teams we will have per division.
What time are games played?
Games during the week start at 6:00pm. On the weekend, games can be played at either 9:30, 12:00, 2:30 and/or 5:00.
What if I want my son/daughter to play up in the next age group?
You must first REGISTER for the age group for which your son or daughter is eligible with the exception of Tee Ball/Coach Pitch. There is an overlap for five year olds. The parent should judge if a player can do basic throwing, catching, and hitting off of a Coach or if a player has never played and needs more instruction.
If you feel your child needs to move up a division, a Play Up Request Form must be filled out and returned to the league Executive Board ([email protected]). Generally, a player wishing to move up must either (a) have already played in the division he/she would be in based upon current age for two years; and/or (b) pose a safety risk to other players in that division.
I’ve been told my son will need to try out for a team?
We have player evaluations for the older divisions (Minors AAA and above). The evaluations are used to help us draft teams and create parity in the league, but all players will be placed on a team. At the divisions below Minors each player who registers will be placed on a team based on requests, school, etc.
I’m going to be out of town the day of evaluations. What do I do?
Although we ideally want every player to tryout we understand that sometimes circumstances prohibit some players from making it to tryouts. If a player doesn’t make it to the tryouts their rating will be determined by last year coaches or others that are familiar with their abilities.
Do you do a background check on volunteers in your program?
Yes, all managers, coaches, and assistant coaches that may have on-field interaction during games or practices with the players must complete a background check.
I’d like to manage my son/daughter’s team. What do I need to do?
During the sign up process you should identify that you're interested in being a Manager. You will then be asked to fill out a Manager request form indicating what qualifications you have. All submissions will be reviewed by the Division Directors and Commerce Little League Manager Selection Committee to determine who will manage a team.
I’d like to help coach my son/daughter’s team. What do I need to do?
When you sign your child up to play you should indicate that you’re interested in coaching. The selected team manager will ultimately be the one that will decide his/her coaches. Commerce Little League rules only allow for one manager and two coaches per team, although you may have many more people that help out at practices and games performing functions like keeping score and pitch counts.
I want my son/daughter to play with my neighbor to help with car pooling and scheduling. Am I able to make sure they play on the same team?
During the registration process, special requests can be made. However, the Division VP will review all requests. These types of requests are more easily honored for TB, CP, Minors A, and Minors AA. When players move to Minors AAA and above, they are evaluated and drafted by each coach. There are circumstances that may allow for requests to be honored, but please understand that not all requests will be honored. Teams must be formed to allow fair competition.
Can my siblings be guaranteed to play on the same team if I request it?
Yes, if the siblings play in the same division, we would place them on the same team.
Who do I contact if I'm having a problem with registration?
You should contact the CLL player agent at [email protected]
Are scholarships available?
Grants are available through the T-Mobile Call-Up Grant Program. More information can be found in the Registration Tab of this site or by visiting https://www.littleleague.org/call-up-grant-program/
Can I get a refund if we decide not to play?
Any request for a refund must be emailed to the Player Agent at [email protected]. Please note that $20 will be withheld from each refund to cover administrative fees that are charged to the league. No refunds will be granted after teams are formed in early March.
Can I still sign up if I live outside the boundaries?
You may also play in our league if the school you attend is within the boundaries for our league, given the proper school enrollment form is submitted, otherwise, for all other reasons, a waiver must be submitted to Commerce Little League for approval. This waiver will then be submitted, reviewed and approved by Little League International. It should be noted, that if a waiver form is not filled out or if false information is given while registering, the player may not be eligible to participate and will not be eligible or covered under the Commerce Little League insurance policy.
Who do I contact if I still have questions?
Send an email to [email protected] if you have any questions.
What is your mailing address?
Commerce Little League
P.O. Box 201
Walled Lake 48390